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Question About Pocketmine

Discussion in 'Help' started by Dblcut3, Dec 28, 2016.

  1. Dblcut3

    Dblcut3 Spider Jockey

    I'll be honest - I've gone through hell with this 1.0 update....
    I tried Elywing but it's so unstable and I had to convert all of my worlds so it's pointless. Plus, generating plot worlds with MyPlot seems to also be broken on there.

    My questions about Pocketmine:
    1. When you release a stable 1.0 version, where can I find it?
    2. Will I have to convert all the worlds like Elywing made us do? Or will old MCPE multiplayer worlds work?
    3. I'll admit I'm a bit of a newbie with this stuff. I hear a lot about API 3.0 - will that cause current plugins to break? And will there be any sort of simple(ish) was available to turn plugins from API 2.0 to API 3.0?

    Sorry for all the simple questions.... :oops:
    ovendial likes this.
  2. Thunder33345

    Thunder33345 Moderator Staff Member

    for 1. See here for more https://forums.pmmp.io/threads/api-3-0-and-support-for-mcpe-1-0.412/ info regarding stable 1.0

    for 2. No idea but most likely just expect will not be compatible as eleywing or whatever fork you are using did things very differently then here and staff [and members] tend to not like it when you talk about external forks

    for 3. Yes it will break a lot of things, for the better i hope, and no they aren't any simple ways as far as what have changed we are not sure yet nothing is set in stone so we cant really tell what will break and how much things will break, other then the version bumping hack which should NEVER attampt unless you know what you are doing but i dont think that can save you from the 3rd major
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