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yaml_parse(): end of stream reached without finding document 0

Discussion in 'Development' started by Enrico Angelon, May 2, 2018.

  1. Enrico Angelon

    Enrico Angelon Spider Jockey

    Hello everyone, today i have a problem with my minigame plugin, i'm not able to get rid of:
    [Server thread/CRITICAL]: Could not execute task castlesiege\Tasks\SignUpdaterTask: yaml_parse(): end of stream reached without finding document 0
    [19:59:01] [Server thread/CRITICAL]: ErrorException: "yaml_parse(): end of stream reached without finding document 0" (EXCEPTION) in "src/pocketmine/utils/Config" at line 155
    code was normally working, i don't have any idea why happend this.

    only part of cose where i use config:
    * Get game status.
    $status = T::AQUA . "[Partecipa]";
    if ($config->get("started") != false)
    $status = T::GOLD . "[In Gioco]";
    }elseif ($players_count >= 30)
    $status = T::RED . "[Pieno]";
  2. Michel5F30

    Michel5F30 Silverfish

    This happens for me, when i try to read an empty YAML file.
    The PMMP YAML API obviously does NOT support empty YAML files.
    Use "pocketmine\utils\Config#save" when creating an empty config file, this will write strange characters into it, which doesn't affect you data and everything works fine.
    Output of "pocketmine\utils\Config#save" for an new file:
    --- []
  3. Muqsit

    Muqsit Chicken

    Copy config into http://yamllint.com and click "Go", copy output you get from yamllint.com, paste it into your config.
    LewBr likes this.
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