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Worldguard effects crash

Discussion in 'Help' started by Stan, Nov 5, 2019.

  1. Stan

    Stan Creeper

    hello, so I wanted to have vehicles in my pocketmine server but I only found one and it cant drive up blocks or slabs so I tried worldguard to give people speed when they are on the highway(in my server) so I created a region and set the flag to effects 1 10 so that you would get speed 10 when in the region, but when I executed the command the server crashed and when log back in to the server the effect still isn't working. Hopefully somebody will help me thx.
  2. HimbeersaftLP

    HimbeersaftLP Fish

    You should report this to the developer of the plugin (also provide the error that shows on your console).
    EdwardHamHam likes this.
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