Like the old forums of Pocketmine, some devs can post and release their own awesome plugins. If not, many plugins might disappear due to no one knows. It's a spirit of dedication. Hope this new forums can add an area or make a new forum to allow the developers to send their plugins.(I am also a dev....Just it)
well that still meant this found have no plugin repo BUT this forum have a link to some plugin repo which is not really the same, i just rather have a forum WITH a plugin repo where everything is on one forum i dont have to go to some other sites to check for notif or anything (and these are just MY opinion)
Xenforo has an option to create a Resources section. Maybe Featured plugins on Poggit could make it there?
I've been assured that Poggit will indeed have its own section in these forums when it's ready, but for now it's still in alpha. That said, it already works well and devs should really start using GitHub and Poggit ASAP - the sooner you get your plugins on there, the sooner they will be approved and maybe featured in the official plugin list!
Wouldn't it be best to just add another one of these forum navigation elements next to the issue tab, and make it redirect to poggit? That way people can easily get there without having to know what poggit even is.
I don't. I just suspect laziness. I'm not sure opening a new tab and typing an address is a thing to have opinions whether it is too much bother or not. A simple fact: It isn't hard
i dont really want to debate if we should or shouldnt that's why i am just saying that's my opinion, but if you insist on debating then whatever i will play along too isnt adding a new resources section the same thing, it isnt hard to add too? or at the very least easier then building release platform (no i am not against poggit or any release platform i just promote the idea of having a resource section under this forum)
Anyone who submitted plugins to the old pocketmine knows what is like waiting for uploads to be accepted, and staff know what it is like looking at an ever growing inbox of code to review. Poggit is designed to reduce the workload for devs and admin, and there will indeed be a dedicated Poggit forum section under 'Plugins' for devs to manage one thread per approved release. The main advantage of a dedicated pocketmine CI/Release system is that staff will have instant access to code changes on github which will speed up approval and reapproval times; devs will maintain code/releases more easily, and users will get all the benefits of that - faster updates, better compatibility, better user/staff/dev communication etc It might seem a little confusing right now as Poggit is new, and still not in beta... Some things don't work as expected and there are bugs, but this time round we are getting tailor-made plugin development/distribution, and whether the plugin download page is within the forums or on a subdomain is not really an issue - the support threads will be here. There's a plan, and it's a good one xD
Good choice, so let it be then the CI part seems pretty nice, kinda one click and boom! it works! no funny buisness like most CI as they arent meant for PM the release section seems arent ready as i still cant try to release well at the least, there a somekind of mini forum
Poggit is now officially in beta, and the release section should work perfectly... If not, let us know