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Why it does not work?

Discussion in 'Plugin Help' started by Pqoster, Aug 28, 2020.

  1. Pqoster

    Pqoster Spider Jockey

    Why it does not work?
    when the player executes "/ cps on" starts the task
    when you run "/ cps off" it cancels the task
    Can someone help me please?

    - Sorry for my bad English
          public $cps false;
    // MAIN
    case "cps":
                    if (
    $sender instanceof Player) {
    $sender->sendMessage("§e§lUSO: §r§e/cps§7 <on/off>");
             } else {
    $sender->sendMessage("§cUse o comando dentro do jogo!");
             } else {

    $args[0] == "on"){
    $this->getScheduler()->scheduleRepeatingTask(new BMsg($this$sender), 1);
    $sender->sendMessage("§e§lMOD: §r§eCPS ativado com sucesso!");

                } elseif (
    $args[0] == "off"){
    $sender->sendMessage("§e§lMOD: §r§eCPS desligado com sucesso!");     
    $this->cps false;
     // TASK
    public function onRun(int $currentTick)
    $cps $this->plugin->getClicks($this->player);   
    $this->player->sendTip("§eCPS:§7 {$cps}");           
    $this->plugin->cps false){
  2. MinekCz

    MinekCz Spider Jockey

    In if you used one =. You must use == (in your task)
    Pqoster likes this.
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