can you just upload the FULL plugin itself somewhere else? i need to see the main and so on and the crash log too / what errors you have with it please
and the error log itself? or the issue you have? Edit: also the code itself is incomplete most function calls are undefined and no clue what a anti fly should be in a purge plugin
GitHub is sharing source code, not zip files... Learn using Git. There are plenty of Git clients out there.
re: OP Here i have unzipped it for you maybe i shouldent have did that but i am too kind anyways so there you go
We do not provide any support for non-official distributions of PocketMine. These forums are for PocketMine only. I saw from your screenshot that you're using Hydracon.
Shouldn't this be in the Development Section? Don't get me wrong, this is a great discussion, I just dk if it's the right place. Just thought I would check this out. Edit: I think this is actually in the right section, sorry for bothering you