Hi. I was learning and coding simply pmmp plugins around 1 month (and 2 years using php for websites), and now i think it's time too learn pocketmine with MySQL (or SQLI) databases. For a lot of reasons.. regions / login and register players / economy at the server.. So i was looking for poggit\libasynql to do this. But bruuh.. The syntax is too scary. I was learn databases before, creating websites and this is not too diffucult task. But the implementation of db and using of sql querys at pmmp seems really more diffucult. I'm in panic right now and i looking for any info. Have do i can start pretty easy from basics step by step to more difficult at databases in pmmp? From saving basic player information, to do some advanced plugins like one for login/register ? There are some website or videos to introduct from easy level to advance?