I use to be an active member in the Pocketmine community but I gradually left it. I believe this is my first post on the new forums and I want to get back into Pocketmine servers. If anybody is willing to provide a history of what has happened and what has changed in Pocketmine over the past few years that’d be great!
i think i seen you before, and welcome back! Things change, you should also try to provide when you left as in events etc Pocketmine will be referred as PM the new pocketmine will be referred as PMMP the very short version is back in times of PM, shoghic got hired by mojang thus can nolonger work on PM after some time dylan decided to takeover the development, and also creating PMMP due to the limited access of PM related things which explains why we are now on this forum
To add, PM has adapted from supporting Minecraft PE to supporting Minecraft: Bedrock Edition, so basically any major system(Except PS4) can play together on PMMP servers. Bedrock Edition is much more similar to the Java Edition than PE used to be to the PC edition, so most of the things servers could do with Bukkit are much more accessible with PocketMine than they used to be. dktapps has led pretty much all development for quite a while now. You may have seen the new Plugins tab, which takes you to Poggit. It's slightly similar to the plugin section on the old forums, but it also houses CI and is oriented more for the developers rather than just the users.
Thank you! While I was having trouble finding the new Pocketmine as I wasn’t accustomed to the PMMP name. Your explanation helps a lot. I’ve noticed that the Better Together update made Pocketmine more important in the Minecraft world, and I also noticed that user authentication is handled by Xbox Live now. While I’m still not a fan of Xbox Live integration, I’ve gotta say I’m thankful there’s no more need for typing passwords on every login