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What features you wish ware added in PureChat

Discussion in 'Requests' started by Thunder33345, Jan 23, 2017.

  1. Thunder33345

    Thunder33345 Moderator Staff Member

    Forgive me for not having a better title
    I have been working on my own forked version of purechat
    which i have added custom tags that can be registered via API (now which sometimes i feel like it is a overkill since nobody would ever have a plugin that needs that in the first place)
    but now i am looking for further opinions on what should be added
    also looking for collaborators if there any more major features that is worthy to be added
  2. WreckagePE / ZAYD

    WreckagePE / ZAYD Slime

    I wish you could /setprefix {player} {prefix}
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