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What are the best Pvp plugins?

Discussion in 'Plugin Help' started by Leo, Mar 2, 2017.

  1. Leo

    Leo Silverfish

    Hey! I am new here but I was wondering if you guys know any good PvP plugins ! I plan on making a server that has a hub, PvP arenas that you can tp to from a command or a sign. So I need to know how do that. And then I need a kit plugin, I've seen some but I'm not sure which one to choose! I basically need a plugin that tps you to PvP arenas with commands and then I'd get one of those tap sign plugins so I could use signs and commands to to to the arena. I need a 1v1 queue plugin a kit plugin and that's about it! Comment down here if you know any that I should use, because I haven't managed to find any decent PvP plugins :/
  2. DanielYTK

    DanielYTK Zombie

    For kits use AdvancedKits its is very good.
    for teleport: SimpleWarps or essentials
    For pvp: 1v1 .-.
    jasonwynn10 likes this.
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