Download MagicWE, create a new world and copy the region you want to the cord you want in the new world
I've had a problem where my changed spawn point (using EssentialsPE) seems to reset to 256, 70, 256 also. What I did was immediately execute /save-all right after changing the spawn point. It then seemed to "keep".
For now I made a small plugin that set's the spawnpoint to a specific coords!! For people that are interested in the code: PHP: <?phpnamespace Matthww\HCSpawn;use pocketmine\event\Listener;use pocketmine\math\Vector3;use pocketmine\plugin\PluginBase;class HCSpawn extends PluginBase implements Listener{ public $prefix = "§l§8[§r§cHC§l§8] §r§c"; public function onEnable() { $this->getServer()->getPluginManager()->registerEvents($this, $this); $targetLevel = $this->getServer()->getLevelByName("world"); $targetLevel->setSpawnLocation(new Vector3(217, 71, -96)); $this->getLogger()->info($this->prefix . "Setting new HC spawn point!"); }}
The fastest way that worked for me was to just delete all the files in the region folder. Any corrupted chunks will change the spawn to an area where the player won't immediately load the corrupted chunks
Removing the files in the region folder deletes all the builds, generated terrain and everything else... are you sure that's what you mean?!
No, it removes every block, entity and title, the only things that stays are the seed, world name and other metadata from the level.dat file