Short description: SocialSpy plugin what does it do? Are you tired of logging into the console every time you want to see what commands your players are executing? Fed up of people talking about you behind your back? Well, we have the plugin for you! SocialSpy allows you to see exactly what commands your players are using, when they use them, and look at console messages in-game. features allows you to see what commands other players are using allows you to see the console output allows you to change the colour all SocialSpy messages are sent to you fully toggleable - can be disabled and enabled comes with permissions shows nicknames from other plugins (e.g. Essentials) runs completely on sqlite, no mysql needed
Not advertisement (where the "not" is the same meaning of that in HereAuth tries to cancel the PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent at the lowest priority(earliest), and deletes the password from the event ss soon as it is confirmed to be a potential password or if it matches the password. A plugin like the requested one should be at the MONITOR priority, which runs the last (so that it ignores all cancelled events and uses the final data passed to the event caller).
well what if the monitoring plugin uses priority HIGHEST? or whatever is the highest priority no i dont understand priorities that are documented on PHPdoc or what if we just hack the PM to call a redonly ChatSendEvent which can be listen on the chat "logger" plugin but what if we take a step back to monitoring passwords and yes i am bit uncomfortable with it but as a plugin developer i know it is possible as a fact so i use different passwords for most servers but then what if we go back to someone trying to help OP's poorly descripted request of a plugin with the name social spy i think you misunderstand what op want [maybe me too] what if OP just want a simple plugin that listen on /tell /m etc like a private conversation spying plugin just like what PM mods can do, listen to conversations and resist the urge to join/interrupt but what if everyone can just give full and clear description of what plugins maybe this post wont exist and i dont have to write this long paragraph of post in the first place using what if(s)
The higher the priority, the later it is run because the more likely you have say to what happens finally. PEMapModder has argued with many times about this, so let's not argue about this anymore. If a monitoring plugin uses the LOWEST priority (then it has random chance of running earlier than HereAuth handler), there is no otherwise solution. But that plugin should use MONITOR priority, and actually should also ignore cancelled events. Even if using default values (priority NORMAL, ignoreCancelled false), HereAuth still runs before it. Of course we can use DataPacketSendEvent and block MessagePacket (need to block command packet too as of 0.16), but it is a pointless attempt since it can be as simple as modifying the HereAuth plugin to not hash passwords.