Read what I wrote! And if you still don't understand, instead of asking code to copy, try to fix them yourself! This is a forum for PocketMine plugin development. If your question is primarily related to PHP, not the PocketMine API, please don't ask it here.
asuming your calling the schedule from the main class PHP: $this->getServer()->getScheduler()->schedulerepeatingtask(new sendTipTask($this),60);
Well look at my Pocketmine plugins, They never got accepted (in old PM-MP) since it legit breaks the whole system if an error occurred, and sleep(); isn't necessary bad prac for pm plugins
sleep() is almost always wrong. It is only valid when it is used in other threads. (It is actually rarely valid even if it is used in AsyncTask, since an AsyncTask should not be run for an indefinite time) Technically sleep() is similar to PHP: while(microtime(true) < $expireTime) continue;
Why are you so good at getting off-topic? I just mentioned about IDE autocompletion and this turns into an IDE discussion thread...