Did you stop the server before editing the config? Can you paste it into a codeblock here (click the + button and then "Code")?
yes i restart the server after the changes that i maed into the config and went in-game and try to do /slapper edit (id) addcommand rca {player} broadcast [Mitsuko] : Hello there! but it shows "[Broadcaster] [Mitsuko] : Hello there! ...
Code: --- # Available tags for broadcast messages, popups and titles: # - {MAXPLAYERS}: Show the maximum number of players supported by the server # - {TOTALPLAYERS}: Show the number of all online players # - {PREFIX}: Show prefix # - {SUFFIX}: Show suffix # - {TIME}: Show current time # Available tags for /sendmessage, /sendpopup and /sendtitle format: # - {MESSAGE}: Show message # - {MAXPLAYERS}: Show the maximum number of players supported by the server # - {TOTALPLAYERS}: Show the number of all online players # - {PREFIX}: Show prefix # - {PLAYER}: Message receiver # - {SENDER}: Show sender name # - {SUFFIX}: Show suffix # - {TIME}: Show current time # Extra tag for titles: # - {SUBTITLE}: Add subtitle (the text after this tag will be the content of the subtitle) # Prefix prefix: "&7§l[§r§cM§6i§en§ae§3P§9i§bx§de§5l§7§l]§r" # Suffix suffix: "[A]" # Date\Time format (replaced in {TIME}). For format codes read http://php.net/manual/en/datetime.formats.php datetime-format: "H:i:s" # Message broadcast message-broadcast: # Enable message broadcast enabled: true # Broadcast interval (in seconds) time: 100 # Command /sendmessage format command-format: "{MESSAGE}" # Broadcast messages messages: - "{PREFIX}&f Server is still in §cBeta. §fReport any bug or glitches to staff and ideas & suggestions are open and welcome." - "{PREFIX}&f We are also hiring staffs to help us manage and monitor the server properly. You can apply by messaging §b§oleaxy #2768§r§f on §9Discord." - "{PREFIX}&6VIP's &fcan access and get their own &bvehicle &fby /vehicles. " - "{PREFIX}&bDonating &fon our server can support and help us keep the server up and provide players a &efun roleplay experience." # Popup broadcast popup-broadcast: # Enable popup broadcast enabled: true # Popup broadcast interval (in seconds) time: 70 # Popup duration (in seconds) duration: 5 # Command /sendpopup format command-format: "&a{SENDER}&e>>&f {MESSAGE}" # Popup broadcast messages messages: - "§eHave Fun!" - "&d{TOTALPLAYERS} &eof &d{MAXPLAYERS} &eonline." - "&6Current Time is: &e{TIME}" # Title broadcast title-broadcast: # Enable title broadcast enabled: false # Title broadcast interval time: 30 # Command /sendtitle format command-format: "&d{MESSAGE}" # Title broadcast messages messages: - "&aWelcome to your server!{SUBTITLE}&bGood game!" - "&eHello player!" ...
thank you so much for your effort in helping me through this!! it worked!! and btw what does ''rca'' means? and what's the purpose of it?
Normally, slapper runs the commands as the server (as if you enter them on the console). With rca (run command as) the command will be run as if the player executed it.