Please stop ****posting on threads. Your answers are at an incredibly low level. If you say PMMP has the linkEntity() function in the core, show us. I'll be happy to believe you once you do so. Just please don't answer if you don't add anything useful to the thread. That's not what I made this thread for.
I have actually tried it, with both ID 58 and 57, but both didn't have any effect, as far as I could see. Am I supposed to set it to the rider, or the ridden entity?
I got everything to work, and it works flawlessly now. Thanks @dktapps and @SuperMaXAleX for your help.
Please refrain from posting useless posts like this. It's totally unnecessary for the forum. I totally agree with Sandertv... This post is necessary to tell you what you are doing wrong
Yes, e.g. my BlockHunt plugin stopped working since MCPE v1.0.5 - the client crashes when the block entity ID is the same as the player ID. I'm now linking the entities, but the player is now under the block, so you also have to hit under it to damage the player. I will try to set the riding position by data flag.
Just found out that your order in setDataProperty() was wrong - instead it should be: PHP: $player->setDataProperty(self::/*or Entity::*/DATA_RIDE_POSITION, Entity::DATA_TYPE_VECTOR3F, [-0.02, 2.3, 0.19]);