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Ride player code not working

Discussion in 'Development' started by Kabluinc, Jun 11, 2019.

  1. Kabluinc

    Kabluinc Baby Zombie

    Hi there, Since PMMP 3.7 or 3.8 i think, this code for letting a player ride another player with a saddle is no longer working. When a player hits a player with a saddle, they are linked to the player but instantly fall off the player (do not stay linked). Is there anything that is wrong with the code or incompatible with recent changes?
        public function onDamage(EntityDamageEvent $event){
            if (
    $event instanceof EntityDamageByEntityEvent){
    $entity $event->getEntity();
    $damager $event->getDamager();
                if (
    $entity instanceof Player && $damager instanceof Player){
                    if (
    $damager->getInventory()->getItemInHand()->getId() == 329) {
    $damager->setMotion(new Vector3(00.20));

    $pk = new AddEntityPacket();
    $pk->type 95;
    $pk->entityRuntimeId $entity->getId() * 1000;
    $pk->position = new Vector3($entity->x$entity->y$entity->z);
    $pk->motion = new Vector3(000);
    $pk->metadata = [
    Loader::DATA_RIDE_POSITION => [Entity::DATA_TYPE_VECTOR3F, new Vector3(01.50)]

    $size 0.7;
    $size_ = array(30 => 237 => 242 => 2105 => 1.2107 => 2);
                if (isset(
    $size_[95])) $size $size_[95];
    $pk->metadata[Entity::DATA_SCALE] = [Entity::DATA_TYPE_FLOAT$size];
    $pk->links[] = new EntityLink($entity->getId(), $pk->entityRuntimeId2true);
                foreach (
    $this->getServer()->getOnlinePlayers() as $all) {

    $link = new SetEntityLinkPacket;
    $link->link = new EntityLink($entity->getId() * 1000$damager->getId(), 1true);
                foreach (
    $this->getServer()->getOnlinePlayers() as $all) {
  2. Kabluinc

    Kabluinc Baby Zombie

    Anyone have any idea how to fix this?
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