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Re: Speed Modifier

Discussion in 'Development' started by minijaham, Nov 11, 2020.

  1. minijaham

    minijaham Skeleton

    Hello, it's me again but with a slightly different problem.

    I've set up a repeating task to see if respawning is an actual cause of setting an attribute value.
    Source: https://github.com/pmmp/PocketMine-MP/blob/stable/src/pocketmine/Player.php#L3840
    Thank you wolfdale for helping me in the previous thread :D

    And it was. I've tested several times and..yeah the problem was in the respawn.

    Here is the task code(repeating)

    class CheckAttributeTask extends Task

        public function 
    __construct(Main $plugin)
    $this->plugin $plugin;
        public function 
    $this->plugin->getServer()->getOnlinePlayers() as $player){
    $name $player->getName();
    $value $this->plugin->speed->get($name);
    $attr $player->getAttributeMap()->getAttribute(Attribute::MOVEMENT_SPEED);
    $attr->setValue($value); // Set speed
    $player->sendMessage((string)$attr->getValue()); // Check what value you are on
    The code works. However, the problem is it doesn't set the new value after respawning, regardless of how long the time passes by. Is there a way to workaround?
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