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RakLib Crashing

Discussion in 'Help' started by joshua_blh, Apr 14, 2017.

  1. joshua_blh

    joshua_blh Creeper


    I have setup PocketMine in multi craft and it works apart from RakLib crashing due to the port not binding; however, there is nothing running on the port. UDP or TCP.

    14.04 10:56:17 [Multicraft] Loaded config for "PocketMine-MP (1.0.5)" 14.04 10:56:17 [Multicraft] Failed to compile expression startRe: unbalanced parenthesis 14.04 10:56:17 [Multicraft] Updating eula.txt file 14.04 10:56:17 [Server] INFO Warning: mkdir(): No such file or directory in phar:///jar/pocketmine.phar/src/pocketmine/Server__64bit.php on line 1382 14.04 10:56:17 [Server] Server thread/INFO Loading pocketmine.yml... 14.04 10:56:17 [Server] Server thread/INFO Loading server properties... 14.04 10:56:17 [Server] Server thread/INFO Selected English (eng) as the base language 14.04 10:56:17 [Server] Server thread/INFO Starting Minecraft: PE server version v1.0.4.11 14.04 10:56:17 [Server] Server thread/INFO Opening server on "149.56.*.*":19170 14.04 10:56:17 [Server] Server thread/INFO This server is running PocketMine-MP version 1.6.2dev-43 "Unleashed" (API 3.0.0-ALPHA4) 14.04 10:56:17 [Server] Server thread/INFO PocketMine-MP is distributed under the LGPL License 14.04 10:56:17 [Server] Server thread/INFO Loading recipes... 14.04 10:56:17 [Server] Server thread/INFO Preparing level ""world"" 14.04 10:56:17 [Server] Server thread/INFO Starting GS4 status listener 14.04 10:56:17 [Server] Server thread/INFO Setting query port to 19170 14.04 10:56:17 [Server] Server thread/INFO Query running on "149.56.*.*":19170 14.04 10:56:17 [Server] Server thread/INFO Default game type: Survival Mode 14.04 10:56:18 [Server] Startup Done (0.272s)! For help, type "help" or "?" 14.04 10:56:18 [Server] RakLibServer thread/CRITICAL **** FAILED TO BIND TO "149.56.*.*":19170! 14.04 10:56:18 [Server] RakLibServer thread/CRITICAL Perhaps a server is already running on that port? 14.04 10:56:18 [Server] Server thread/EMERGENCY RakLib crashed! 14.04 10:56:18 [Server] Server thread/CRITICAL Stopped interface pocketmine\network\RakLibInterface due to RakLib Thread crashed 14.04 11:00:42 [Multicraft] Received kill command 14.04 11:00:42 [Multicraft] Forcefully killing server 14.04 11:00:42 [Multicraft] Server shut down (killing) 14.04 11:00:42 [Multicraft] Server stopped​
    Kenner likes this.
  2. Awzaw

    Awzaw Zombie Pigman Poggit Admin

    Do you still get the error after rebooting the machine?
  3. joshua_blh

    joshua_blh Creeper

    I fixed this thank you.

    It was issue with the phar.conf file.
  4. Awzaw

    Awzaw Zombie Pigman Poggit Admin

    The error message is telling you that another service is already listening on port 19132 when you tried to start pocketmine. Is this on shared hosting using multicraft, or can you actually reboot the machine on which the server is running?
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