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Questions about PurePerms and PureChat

Discussion in 'Help' started by FluffyMice01, Aug 17, 2019.

  1. FluffyMice01

    FluffyMice01 Creeper

    I recently got these two plugins and I am having issues/questions.
    1. You can only destroy blocks if you have the highest rank. I want anybody to be able to destroy blocks.
    2. When editing the rank names and what you can do (from a console), how do I make the highest rank have all the abilities without manually entering each one?
    3. What does this all mean?:
    - -essentials.kit

    - -essentials.kit.other

    - -pocketmine.command.me

    - pchat.colored.format

    - pchat.colored.nametag

    - pocketmine.command.list

    - pperms.command.ppinfo
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2019
  2. Gianluxx

    Gianluxx Slime

    Pureperms is a way to create ranks (groups) and each rank has permissions. Every plugin has permissions for each command(if they are done correctly) and you can choose if you want a rank to be able to use that command by giving the rank the permission. You can also remove a permission from a rank by adding the - before the permission (-pocketmine.command.me).
    Every player has to have a rank and you can choose which one is the default by looking in the config... Using console commands sucks, so turn off the server and modify the config.
  3. Gianluxx

    Gianluxx Slime

    Pureperms is a plugin to make chat formatted diffently for each rank. Look in config also
  4. Sakkzz

    Sakkzz Spider

    For someone like me who is thinking about starting a server, it's a bit of a pain trying to setup the whole groups.yml lol. I know theirs a command to get perms for specific plugins but kinda wished their was a way to just get ALL the perms all at once xD
    Was also thinking of asking someone more experienced to help me set that all up but not sure if anyone would do it for free but who knows...
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