If I ban the client ID of somebody who got their game illegally, will other people who downloaded the same install file get affected from the client id ban?
Not very sure but the CID should theoritically be randomly generated when the game first run and the clientID.txt is not present and note that CID will be replace with CBL token or something like that {not very sure}
Well clients can reset their id's by removing mcpe, and deleting any files regarding it.. Or even remove the clientID.txt and maybe it"ll recipitate another one. And pirates version of MCPE does the same function the real-paid one does... Only cons is that its pirated lol But eh, I have ios and my iphone is jailbroken and i could of obtain it for free, but wanted to support a such great game like mcpe and i bought it! But i understand those who can't afford it, just pirates it.