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PurePerms Not Working After World Switch PocketMine

Discussion in 'Plugin Help' started by ALLINSEO, Mar 21, 2017.


    ALLINSEO Baby Zombie

    Okay so I am using PurePerms and it does not load the world permissions once I user is inside another world, I have to either is the preload command or have the user manually log-out and relog, to set their permission to the world they are standing in, but if they go back to the home world and teleport back to the same world they logged in, permissions will be gone.
    i Also Noticed most plugins name my default world "world" to the name "generator" there is another folder called generator in my world folder but when I direct tele it looks nothing like my main world

    extra info;
    All my world teleports are handled by the command /world
    and also PortalsPE plugin.
    Maybe the world is not loading the default groups since I use /world [worldname] which is /world world for me & most plugins consider "world" as the world generator.

    im uploading video showing exactly whats going on, should be done in 10+ minutes.
    Video link

      alias: gst
      inheritance: []
      - -essentials.kit
      - -essentials.kit.other
      - -pocketmine.command.me
      - pchat.colored.format
      - pchat.colored.nametag
      - pocketmine.command.list
      - pperms.command.ppinfo
          permissions: []
          isDefault: true
          - myplot.admin.build.plot
          - myplot.admin.warp
          - myplot.command.warp
          isDefault: true
          isDefault: true
          permissions: []
          isDefault: true
          permissions: []
          isDefault: true
          permissions: []
          isDefault: true
          permissions: []
          isDefault: true
          permissions: []
      isDefault: true

    Its weird that once I do /ppreload that the multiworld perm is loaded (if the player is standing in world X when command is ran), but not when a user switch's worlds using /world or using a portal.
    This leads me to think that the previous worlds Permissions are still set once switching worlds, leading to some rather unwanted permissions to be set in the wrong worlds.

    Last edited: Mar 21, 2017

    ALLINSEO Baby Zombie

    well it seems to be working to an extent, the issues I may be having is with how MyPlots Plugin interacts with worlds.
    when I do /world world it teleports me to what looks like my home "world"
    but when I do /wp border is says border of world "generator" is X X
    instead of "border of world 'world' is x"

    When I set permissions to Generator world it allows those permissions to be used on all MyPlot Worlds and my home world which is set to "generator" instead of world for some reason, not sure if I create a non myplot world if it will still work.

    Possible Work Around: I have Teleport Signs that teleport a user out of an area I can add a second command
    /setgroup $playername $GroupName that activates before the user is teleported

    Although if possible I would like the naming of these world's to be set correctly instead of set to generator on teleport.

    Something in MyPlots plugin files is definitely changing the world names to generator
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2017
  3. Awzaw

    Awzaw Zombie Pigman Poggit Admin

    Sounds to me as though you are dealing with too many unknowns here. Better to get Multiworld perms working with as few plugins as possible to start with.

    ALLINSEO Baby Zombie

    Not Possiable, I need many of my plugins for my server to function and im too scared to remove them as the worlds might not be recoverable.

    update: so I decided to do some testing to see if I could get it working as it should, I noticed that if I reloaded in a world I could use those permissions in a world, I could also use those permissions in the next world, but If I happen to tele to a third world I think those permissions are finally used.

    Will Upload Video Soon;

    I can add a teleport world that spawns you into a teleport then to your actual destination but that seems like an extra step just to remove/set new permissions
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2017

    ALLINSEO Baby Zombie

    After Further Testing it was revealed to me thats not how it actually handles the switching, it sets it to the world you are in, but if you move around a few worlds it will not set it untill you leave the world.

    ISSUE 1;
    Somehow ALL my worlds will inherit whatever settings I put inside the generator world permissions
    ISSUE 2;
    when switching worlds that Worlds Permissions are not set until switching to another world.
    exaple: Login inside w1 > w1 permissions are set > switch to w2 > w1 permissions are still set > switch to world 3 > w2 permissions are now set
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2017
  6. Awzaw

    Awzaw Zombie Pigman Poggit Admin

    Glad to hear this is sort of fixed, but did you check inheritance too? Does a group inherit perms from its parent group in a given world w1, or inherit from its own perms in the default world, or from its parents perms in w1 etc... or only get its own specified perms for w1.

    @jasonwynn10 if this is fixed, could you submit a PR to poggit-orphanage?
  7. jasonwynn10

    jasonwynn10 Moderator Poggit Reviewer

    I did a while back, but it was never seen let alone merged
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2017

    ALLINSEO Baby Zombie

    No it does not set the default perms (the ones that are above the world permission) I just copied and pasted all the permissions to each world permissions. - '*' all permissions does not function for the plugins like it used to, again can be worked around by just setting the plugin permissions for every world

    The issue was with world switching not taking effect and that's fixed now, I don't mind a few work around if it functions for its intended purpose

    I don't know about inheritance, I do not use it but I can confirm it does not inherit its own default terms, it is world specific
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2017
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