Code: [Server thread/CRITICAL]: ErrorException: "Declaration of revivalpmmp\pureentities\entity\BaseEntity::knockBack(pocketmine\entity\Entity $attacker, float $damage, float $x, float $z, float $base = 0.4) should be compatible with pocketmine\entity\Living::knockBack(pocketmine\entity\Entity $attacker, $damage, $x, $z, $base = 0.4)" (EXCEPTION) in "phar_PureEntitiesX-damage-reduction_ebkCAcW1lhSf4UB.phar/src/revivalpmmp/pureentities/entity/BaseEntity" at line 557 using the damage reduction branch I get the listed error @jasonwynn10
I also tried the version by @sonnenwerk and got the same errors does @Magicode still work on pureEntities? I really loved this plugin and all the features it has like breeding, about as close to vanilla as you can get
It's probably because of all your old plugins that are compatible with older pmmp builds. If you want the latest PureEntities to work, please consider updating to the the newest PocketMine. Note: You can also try older PureEntities builds.
I've just updated the Poggit-Orphanage version of PureEntitiesX for PocketMine 1.7dev ALPHA7 (PHP7.2 required); you can find all recent builds here, but alpha API versions can be (and have been) changed daily, so if you don't use the very latest PocketMine master build (to be specific, this commit or later) with the latest PureEntitiesX build (today DEV #14 master) then you'll need to find the build that corresponds to your exact PocketMine version.
Ahh that sounds good news ! Thank you Awzaw! My last working version has been: 1. Pockemine #310 working with 2. Pureentities #98 ( I will check the new stuff later today. One thing about the two repositories: vs Which one is for what and where shall i write the bug reports for the plugin ? cu Sonnenwerk
Nobody seems to want to maintain the revivalpmmp repo, so for now the poggit-orphanage fork is the most up to date. If someone from that team wants to take it on... I'll PR the changes.