Hello, I would like to request a 2 features that are really handy; - Enabling plugins with the previous api (php5). - Possibility in the config to put blockupdate off or on ( very very very handy and requested alot by builders). This would mean that for instance if you delete the block a lever is on that the lever stays. Or if you break a block next to sand it won't fall etc. It's just some suggestions and i hope you will concider it Thanks, Landy005
This is meant for the actual core itself, except if someone is able to make a plugin that disables all blockupdate events etc
One request per thread, please. The two features are irrelevant to put in the same plugin. php5 is not an API. "Plugins with the previous API" means that they are outdated. It is impossible to load them anymore, unless forcefully modifying the declared versions in the plugins.
O okay thanks for the information. I saw clearsky has outdated plugins enabled and i was wondering wether or not pmmp might have tis feature too, just a suggestion.
There was a pull request for outdated plugins loading, but the pmmp team decided it would be better to leave it because the gap between the APIs can be just too big.
That's very dangerous. If a plugin only supports API 1.x.x and you forcefully try to load it on an API 2.x.x server, the server may crash or even lead to strange bugs. ClearSky is being very irresponsible forcefully loading API 1.x.x plugins so that they can get more users who don't have informed decision that they are using incompatible plugins.
API 2.0 update was a major, backwards incompatible update. Allowing plugins to load which are not designed for the server's specified API is a very bad idea. You don't bump version numbers for fun. If you want old plugins that much, go upgrade them yourself.