So, there is a website hosting service for game server sites called Enjin, that I'm guessing a lot of people here have already heard of. One of their main features is sites for Minecraft servers, which includes a shop system for things like items and ranks. Basically it's sort of like BuyCraft, but the site comes with things like a blog and forums, as well as the donation store. To use the shop, however, requires the installation and use of a plugin on the server, where a code is entered to ensure security (like BuyCraft). They only have a version of the plugin for the Bukkit and Spigot Minecraft PC server softwares though, and I was wondering if someone could port the plugin to PocketMine. I got the idea of this off of the PocketMine port of the BuyCraft plugin made by @falk Enjin's original plugin for Bukkit is here. I really hope someone can do this, as I'm sure I won't be the only user who would like and benefit from this. Thank you.
Should also link the API docs for developers, there no need to reverse engineer something when there[should be] a doc
There is a section on the plugin's page at the Spigot forums which I linked to with that. Look for the "API Documentation for Developers" section.
My host has a system with all the functionnalities that you need, there's a forum, a shop (RCON) and a website, I can give you a link to his website by DM if you want.
Yes, I can show you a demo if you want EDIT : There is also an account system that you can connect with SimpleAuth MySQL player folder