How do you one-click-install? Poggit is a website, not a client program. Or do you mean the plugin installer tool from Poggit?
Here is the repo: P.S. The plugin is still In-Dev so it has some ways to go!
What I mean is, will you add a button that redirects to PMPM and help the user do the one click install.
There's a page explaining the one click install at the PMPM website. poggit redirects to that page. The user does the one click install, and they have the plugin.
So what exactly does the PMPM website do? Why do you need a website when you already have a plugin that downloads from Poggit?
Pretend your a user and your a noob. You wanna install a plugin without the pain of figuring out the whole process. You got to PMPM and select the plugin. Then you put in some details like ftp and rcon. We do the hard work of installing the phar and putting on the server without interrupting the players experience.
When did it become so hard to install plugins? lol An easier approach to this would be a console command that you can use to add plugin urls to a list and your plugin installs them on reload/restart.