PocketMine School is a website that teaches you how to code pmmp plugins. The project is maintained by UltraSoft & KygekTeam, in a partnership to keep PocketMine School updated. Website: https://pocketmineschool.ml/ Github: https://github.com/PocketMine-School/Pocketmine-School Thanks to the team who made the old site4code website for starting all of this. @Taki21 @remote_vase @Ad5001 @Keith
not too shabby if i am begin honest Good job! but i request you add section 0 "Prerequisites": You will need at least the knowledge of PHP and PHP OOP and i request you to put that on something like github.io it makes it easier for others who willing to add new things or to edit it easier EDIT: only thing that could be explain further is the namespace part and how the name space should be reletive to path
If you look at the edit I made up there you can see a github link and contribute with the making of this project.
I would also recommend checking out these https://github.com/mouxiaoshi/Example-Plugins it's just some simple plugins but I would say they helped me understand pm plugins the most