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Plugin that overrides PMMP base cmds

Discussion in 'Requests' started by minijaham, May 13, 2020.

  1. minijaham

    minijaham Skeleton

    This has been an issue on my server with people using /me every time they talk when they are supposed to have a small chat format.

    Can pmmp fucking add an option in pocketmine.yml where you can disable(or change permission)??

    I don't want to make a whole new faking plugin that overrides the base commands .-.

    So my real question is, is there a plugin that can override commands of PMMP's base commands?
  2. HimbeersaftLP

    HimbeersaftLP Fish

    No need to swear, that feature is already built-in, look at "aliases" in pocketmine.yml
    mmm545 likes this.
  3. Rim

    Rim Spider Jockey

    You can use the aforementioned alias feature in pocketmine.yml, but it is also possible to unregister the default commands via a plugin if you get a little bit hacky. You'd have to change their label then unregister them.
    Diduhless likes this.
  4. minijaham

    minijaham Skeleton

    The alias option does not work unless you have an actual command to replace it with

    Mind telling me how to do that...
  5. ethaniccc

    ethaniccc Baby Zombie

    You can just unregister them by name first, then make a new class that extends command:
    $commandMap KitPvP::getMain()->getServer()->getCommandMap();
    $commandMap->register(KitPvP::getMain()->getName(), new NewBanCommand("ban"KitPvP::getMain()));
    $commandMap->register(KitPvP::getMain()->getName(), new NewKickCommand("kick"KitPvP::getMain()));
    Where KitPvP::getMain() is my main class for the plugin
  6. HimbeersaftLP

    HimbeersaftLP Fish

    It does:
     #showtheversion: version
     #savestop: [save-all, stop]
     me: []
    When the player now runs the command, the server will tell them, that the command was not found.

    Also, why don't you just use a permission manager like PurePerms?
  7. minijaham

    minijaham Skeleton

    Oh..I'll try that [] .-. :mad:
    And permission manager cannot override the default commands. I already have pureperms, and it doesn't work.
  8. HimbeersaftLP

    HimbeersaftLP Fish

    It definitely can block the permission to execute them. In fact, /me is blocked by default in PurePerms.
    If you have an issue with a specific command, feel free to send your groups.yml file and we can take a look at it.
  9. ethaniccc

    ethaniccc Baby Zombie

    But based off the usage, you only want the /me command to not be used by defaults, which is what a permission manager can do...

    Permission Node: pocketmine.command.me
    Run the command in console: unsetgperm (group) pocketmine.command.me

    Proof with server log:
    2020-05-15 [13:48:43] [Server thread/INFO]: Loading pocketmine.yml...
    2020-05-15 [13:48:43] [Server thread/INFO]: Loading server properties...
    2020-05-15 [13:48:43] [Server thread/INFO]: Selected English (eng) as the base language
    2020-05-15 [13:48:43] [Server thread/INFO]: Starting Minecraft: Bedrock Edition server version v1.14.60
    2020-05-15 [13:48:43] [Server thread/WARNING]: Online mode is disabled. The server will not verify that players are authenticated to Xbox Live.
    2020-05-15 [13:48:43] [Server thread/WARNING]: While this makes it possible to connect without internet access, it also allows hackers to connect with any username they choose.
    2020-05-15 [13:48:44] [Server thread/WARNING]: To enable authentication, set "xbox-auth" to "true" in server.properties.
    2020-05-15 [13:48:44] [Server thread/INFO]: Opening server on
    2020-05-15 [13:48:44] [Server thread/DEBUG]: Server unique id: bdd82dcb-de9e-97ec-11a2-9184aa1e853f
    2020-05-15 [13:48:44] [Server thread/DEBUG]: Machine unique id: e6319504-7ce7-2857-a869-8b1824f5acf2
    2020-05-15 [13:48:45] [Server thread/INFO]: This server is running PocketMine-MP version 3.12.0
    2020-05-15 [13:48:45] [Server thread/INFO]: PocketMine-MP is distributed under the LGPL License
    2020-05-15 [13:48:45] [Server thread/DEBUG]: LevelDB support enabled
    2020-05-15 [13:48:46] [Server thread/INFO]: Loading resource packs...
    2020-05-15 [13:48:46] [Server thread/DEBUG]: Successfully loaded 0 resource packs
    2020-05-15 [13:48:46] [Asynchronous Worker #0 thread/DEBUG]: Set memory limit to 256 MB
    2020-05-15 [13:48:46] [Server thread/INFO]: Loading DevTools v1.13.5
    2020-05-15 [13:48:46] [Server thread/INFO]: Loading Slapper v1.5.20-uhappynow
    2020-05-15 [13:48:46] [Server thread/INFO]: Loading PurePerms v1.4.3
    2020-05-15 [13:48:46] [Server thread/INFO]: [PurePerms] Setting default language to 'en'
    2020-05-15 [13:48:46] [Server thread/NOTICE]: [PurePerms] Multiworld support is currently disabled.
    2020-05-15 [13:48:46] [Server thread/NOTICE]: [PurePerms] Don't forget to set enable-multiworld-perms option in config.yml to true if you want to use per-world permissions!
    2020-05-15 [13:48:46] [Server thread/INFO]: Enabling DevTools v1.13.5
    2020-05-15 [13:48:46] [Server thread/INFO]: Loading CrossOnlineCount v2
    2020-05-15 [13:48:46] [Server thread/INFO]: [DevTools] Registered folder plugin loader
    2020-05-15 [13:48:47] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing world "kitpvp"
    2020-05-15 [13:48:47] [Server thread/INFO]: Enabling Slapper v1.5.20-uhappynow
    2020-05-15 [13:48:47] [Server thread/INFO]: Enabling PurePerms v1.4.3
    2020-05-15 [13:48:47] [Server thread/NOTICE]: [PurePerms] Set data provider to YAMLv1.
    2020-05-15 [13:48:47] [Server thread/INFO]: Enabling CrossOnlineCount v2
    2020-05-15 [13:48:47] [Server thread/INFO]: [CrossOnlineCount] CrossOnlineCount has been enabled!
    2020-05-15 [13:48:48] [Server thread/INFO]: Starting GS4 status listener
    2020-05-15 [13:48:48] [Server thread/INFO]: Setting query port to 19132
    2020-05-15 [13:48:48] [Server thread/INFO]: Query running on
    2020-05-15 [13:48:48] [Server thread/INFO]: Default game type: Adventure Mode
    2020-05-15 [13:48:48] [Server thread/INFO]: If you find this project useful, please consider donating to support development: https://patreon.com/pocketminemp
    2020-05-15 [13:48:48] [Server thread/INFO]: Done (4.38s)! For help, type "help" or "?"
    2020-05-15 [13:48:48] [Server thread/DEBUG]: [AutoUpdater] Async update check failed due to "Channel not found"
    2020-05-15 [13:48:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [CONSOLE: De-opped epicthic]
    2020-05-15 [13:48:58] [Server thread/INFO]: [PurePerms:64FF00] Usage: /unsetgperm <group> <permission> [world]
    2020-05-15 [13:49:08] [Server thread/DEBUG]: [PurePerms] Group Default not found.
    2020-05-15 [13:49:08] [Server thread/INFO]: [PurePerms:64FF00] Group Default does NOT exist.
    2020-05-15 [13:49:14] [Server thread/INFO]: [PurePerms:64FF00] Removed permission pocketmine.command.me from the group successfully.
    2020-05-15 [13:49:47] [RakLibServer thread/DEBUG]: Created session for 42722 with MTU size 1492
    2020-05-15 [13:49:47] [Server thread/DEBUG]: Epicthic is logged into Xbox Live
    2020-05-15 [13:49:47] [Server thread/DEBUG]: Unhandled ClientCacheStatusPacket received from Epicthic: gQEB
    2020-05-15 [13:49:48] [Server thread/DEBUG]: [PurePerms] Registering player Epicthic...
    2020-05-15 [13:49:49] [Server thread/INFO]: Epicthic[/] logged in with entity id 1 at (kitpvp, -15.1995, 4, -0.7201)
    2020-05-15 [13:49:50] [Server thread/DEBUG]: Setting view distance for Epicthic to 5 (requested 5)
    2020-05-15 [13:49:50] [Server thread/DEBUG]: Unhandled TickSyncPacket received from Epicthic: F29tbW8AAAAAAB+3sID7PIk=
    2020-05-15 [13:49:50] [Asynchronous Worker #1 thread/DEBUG]: Set memory limit to 256 MB
    2020-05-15 [13:50:06] [Server thread/INFO]: Epicthic joined the game
    2020-05-15 [13:50:09] [Server thread/DEBUG]: Setting view distance for Epicthic to 5 (requested 5)
    2020-05-15 [13:50:09] [Server thread/DEBUG]: Setting view distance for Epicthic to 5 (requested 5)
    2020-05-15 [13:50:09] [Server thread/DEBUG]: Setting view distance for Epicthic to 5 (requested 5)
    2020-05-15 [13:50:11] [Server thread/DEBUG]: Setting view distance for Epicthic to 5 (requested 5)
    2020-05-15 [13:50:11] [Server thread/DEBUG]: Setting view distance for Epicthic to 5 (requested 5)
    2020-05-15 [13:50:17] [Server thread/DEBUG]: Setting view distance for Epicthic to 5 (requested 5)
    2020-05-15 [13:50:17] [Server thread/DEBUG]: Setting view distance for Epicthic to 5 (requested 5)
    2020-05-15 [13:50:17] [Server thread/DEBUG]: Setting view distance for Epicthic to 5 (requested 5)
    2020-05-15 [13:50:44] [Server thread/DEBUG]: Setting view distance for Epicthic to 5 (requested 5)
    2020-05-15 [13:50:44] [Server thread/DEBUG]: Setting view distance for Epicthic to 5 (requested 5)
    2020-05-15 [13:50:45] [Server thread/INFO]: <Epicthic> owner sotp giev prem bak
  10. minijaham

    minijaham Skeleton

    OH! Thank you guys so much!!
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