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Player who shot bow

Discussion in 'Development' started by iCirgio, May 27, 2019.

  1. iCirgio

    iCirgio Slime

    Yeah so I'm trying to trace the player who shot the arrow that hit another player

    Short terms;
    How do I find the player that shot another player
    Clik likes this.
  2. Muqsit

    Muqsit Chicken

    Handle EntityDamageByChildEntityEvent...
    Check if $event->getChild() is an instance of Arrow projectile. $event->getDamager() is the entity which shot the bow.

    There are a few cases where a player hit by a bow won't trigger EntityDamageByChildEntityEvent. If the shooter shoots the bow, shooter quits server, arrow hits the entity, that event won't be triggered because server can't fetch an instance of the shooter. In this case EntityDamageByEntityEvent would be triggered where $event->getDamager() is the Arrow projectile.
    Clik and OnTheVerge like this.
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