보통 코드에 오류가 있으면 서버가 정지되며 콘솔에 에러가 뜨는데요...그걸 보내주실 수 있을까요? English: Normally if there's an error in the code, the server will stop and there will be an error showing up in console. Could you send me that?
네, 이건 PM3에서 PM4로 넘어오면서 긴 API업데이트 때문에 생긴 문제같은데요, pocketmine\player\Player::dataPacket()은 pocketmine\player\Player->getNetworkSession()->sendDataPacket()으로 대체되었습니다. English: Yeah, it seems like the error is caused by the API update from PM3 to Pm4. pocketmine\player\Player::dataPacket()was replaced with pocketmine\player\Player->getNetworkSession()->sendDataPacket()