I downloaded buycraft and started my server, it worked as usual. Second restart it showed this error Spoiler: ERROR 26.09 17:58:41 [Server] Server thread/CRITICAL TypeError: "Return value of pocketmine\scheduler\PluginTask::getOwner() must implement interface pocketmine\plugin\Plugin, null returned" (EXCEPTION) in "src/pocketmine/scheduler/PluginTask" at line 47 26.09 17:58:41 [Server] Server thread/DEBUG #0 src/pocketmine/scheduler/ServerScheduler(278): pocketmine\scheduler\PluginTask->getOwner() 26.09 17:58:41 [Server] Server thread/DEBUG #1 src/pocketmine/scheduler/ServerScheduler(209): pocketmine\scheduler\ServerScheduler->addTask(Buycraft\PocketMine\Execution\DeleteCommandsTask object, integer -1, integer 20) 26.09 17:58:41 [Server] Server thread/DEBUG #2 BuycraftPM_dev-8.phar/src/Buycraft/PocketMine/BuycraftPlugin(87): pocketmine\scheduler\ServerScheduler->scheduleRepeatingTask(Buycraft\PocketMine\Execution\DeleteCommandsTask object, integer 20) 26.09 17:58:41 [Server] Server thread/DEBUG #3 BuycraftPM_dev-8.phar/src/Buycraft/PocketMine/BuycraftPlugin(56): Buycraft\PocketMine\BuycraftPlugin->startInitialTasks() 26.09 17:58:41 [Server] Server thread/DEBUG #4 src/pocketmine/plugin/PluginBase(90): Buycraft\PocketMine\BuycraftPlugin->onEnable() 26.09 17:58:41 [Server] Server thread/DEBUG #5 src/pocketmine/plugin/PharPluginLoader(122): pocketmine\plugin\PluginBase->setEnabled(boolean 1) 26.09 17:58:41 [Server] Server thread/DEBUG #6 src/pocketmine/plugin/PluginManager(603): pocketmine\plugin\PharPluginLoader->enablePlugin(Buycraft\PocketMine\BuycraftPlugin object) 26.09 17:58:41 [Server] Server thread/DEBUG #7 src/pocketmine/Server(1925): pocketmine\plugin\PluginManager->enablePlugin(Buycraft\PocketMine\BuycraftPlugin object) 26.09 17:58:41 [Server] Server thread/DEBUG #8 src/pocketmine/Server(1911): pocketmine\Server->enablePlugin(Buycraft\PocketMine\BuycraftPlugin object) 26.09 17:58:41 [Server] Server thread/DEBUG #9 src/pocketmine/Server(1697): pocketmine\Server->enablePlugins(integer 1) 26.09 17:58:41 [Server] Server thread/DEBUG #10 src/pocketmine/PocketMine(553): pocketmine\Server->__construct(BaseClassLoader object, pocketmine\utils\MainLogger object, string phar:///custom-php7.2.phar/, string /, string /plugins/) Nothing was changed between those time except adding the secret key, any ideas whats happening?
did you API bump the plugin? it's very likely you api bumped it or used incompatible loader or that the developer of said plugin abused API versioning system by stating they are compatible for API version that havent been released at that time
He said it worked fine the first time, but for whatever reason when he restarted his server it didn't work. Also don't use the plugin from buycraft.net, use it from this GitHub page: https://github.com/BuycraftPlugin/BuycraftPM then bump the API. Also if you don't know how to compile phars using dev tools use Pocketmine Tools
Thanks! Will do. I also agree with this, we are handling peoples money here. We have to make sure no bugs happen when giving the player what he bought, so lets stick to the pros xD unless you are one...
There was a variation of the plugin on poggit the other day that was extremely incorrect, he most likely downloaded that one instead of the working version.
Most of the people who want a server with plugins quickly won't research the plugin before getting it. They usually get duplicates of it and in the end they be like whats wrong...?