The author of MyPlot (weiz) has unfortunately abandoned the project, and the most promising fork so far is maintained by @jasonwynn10 , although I imagine he is struggling to update MyPlot on his own with all the changes to MCPE, and therefore in PMMP core, going on at the moment. It's a great plugin, and works fine for existing worlds although world generation is broken, despite this error message which although truncated I assume to be caused by a missing function GenericChunk::setBiomeColor(). Since biomeColor is apparently no longer supported in MCPE it was of course removed from PocketMine... Maybe some people here could help jason get it updated?
Please note that there currently is an API3 Branch that supposedly has been tested and works for pmmp 1.0
Does the world generation work on it yet? Also thanks for working on the plugin! EDIT: Generating works but... Claiming plots doesnt work. It just tells me I'm not in a plot world.... Any ideas on what's gone wrong? Here's the error message on the console: 12.01 17:47:19 [Server] Server thread/CRITICAL DivisionByZeroError: "Modulo by zero" (EXCEPTION) in "/phar_MyPlot-API3_jz9FJCp0UJARm_s.phar/src/MyPlot/MyPlot" at line 180
This is a known error that I have not been able to reproduce. I need to see what settings the generator is using when it is generating
I've finally got MyPlot working again (generate, auto, claim etc) using the API3 branch - if you are updating an existing installation of MyPlot, please note that the sqlite database may need a new 'denied' field if it's missing.