Hi -- Is it true that there are no mobs in Pocketmine? I have a world (using ManyWorlds) that is Survival, and I'd like to make the players on that world fend off skeletons, creepers, etc.
@Magicode thanks for the suggestion. I installed PureEntitiesX-V3.0-beta.phar in to the plugins folder, and it seems to work, but the console keeps bringing up this error message: 2016-12-14 [06:02:01] [Server thread/CRITICAL]: Could not execute task magicode\pureentities\task\AutoSpawnAnimalTask: Argument 1 passed to pocketmine\level\Level::getBiomeId() must be of the type integer, null given, called in phar:///home/gs/gs/data/servers/4813054/plugins/PureEntitiesX-V3.0-beta.phar/src/magicode/pureentities/task/AutoSpawnAnimalTask.php on line 45 2016-12-14 [06:02:01] [Server thread/CRITICAL]: TypeError: "Argument 1 passed to pocketmine\level\Level::getBiomeId() must be of the type integer, null given, called in phar:///home/gs/gs/data/servers/4813054/plugins/PureEntitiesX-V3.0-beta.phar/src/magicode/pureentities/task/AutoSpawnAnimalTask.php on line 45" (EXCEPTION) in "/src/pocketmine/level/Level" at line 2287 2016-12-14 [06:02:01] [Server thread/INFO]: Event was not cancelled!
Yeah, try downloading the latest zip and make it a phar with pmt.mcpe.me, that version has some errors in it.
Sorry! That's on me. The Phar I included in the release had a few bugs in it. I updated it so now it should be bug free.
Avoid turning these threads into your plugin support thread. If you have problems about using plugins, create a thread in Plugin Help instead. Not gonna lock this thread since the plugin mentioned above is not the only possible solution, but be there any more discussion about how to use it, this thread may be locked.
Other plugins, maybe. I haven't seen anything besides plugins that can, although maybe someone else knows something I don't.