Noone said that he wanted it to be in pmmp here. He posted in plugin > requests! Please read and think before saying that anyone hassled something.
thanks sir this one works sorry if my english is bad im a pilipino im not good in english thanks again..
yeah it works fine with my server using spawn eggs idk if it will automatically spawn mobs and spawner dont work
I'm thinking of trying to make a proper mob AI, but I'm not too sure as it will take quite a lot of time.
ow please do it sir and add the spawner too i need it for my server even pig, cow and sheep, that will be awesome
Can you please help, when ever i try either one of the mob AI's I get this error: ''Could not load plugin 'MyOwnWorld': Incompatible API version" What do I need to change?
[QUSandertv, post: 4251, member: 16"]You have to go to the plugin.yml and change the api: to 2.0.0[/QUOTE] Ok thank you very much.
I decided to pick up this project: , and it made me think of this thread. I have no Idea how far I will get, but I hope to keep it updated and managed. I forked it (And cloned it so that I could utilize the "Issues" section). I know it looks like I kinda slapped my name on someone else's work, but that was just so I could have an easier time with file paths(The changes I HAVE made are all local ATM for testing). I am changing some game-crashing bugs in the code, and it is nowhere near completion. I am kind of a novice at PHP, and just picked up Pocketmine Plugins recently, so don't judge . It should be a fun project, and any help is appreciated. Sorry, I guess I should read more. I saw this in the 'Recent Posts' section, and I didn't check where it was at. EDIT: Our project can be found here:
I just started making one from the scratch too Your idea might be smarter. That MobAI is quite a good one.