## Beta 5-1 ## Correction of test for Config-Type Changed example skin for used Book_1 Added new Log function Looking for help to put config test to another file, and call it from main. Don't know how to do it.
## BETA_6 ## Do you need a life dispenser ? Model and Skin be Me - Fully Working - Custom entity is working !
I'll not release last modification, because i'm trying to rewrite some part of the code, and it's currently broken. Still working on: Looking for information about: Entity act as a Block (If possible, see prev. post #35) Is it possible to added floating effect to the entity ? (Like a cloud) Control what's dropped when entity is killed In action, add : item/block dropping - Money (Later) Prevent spam of the entity (per player) - Thinking to use Tick number Looking for help for the reload function. I've to use a Task, but i want a task that check ALL of my entity that need to be updated, and not a task per entity. I'm still looking if someone can told me the right way to put (and call) my test (Inside OnEnable) in another file.
## FINAL ## I set this topic solved. - I've pushed all my work on github and it's up to date, and will try to continue to work on it. - I've changed the name of the plugin. I hope to have some help by people. I'm going to push it on Poggit to have automatic PHAR file. Thanks to all Hope it will be usefull for you, as it is to me.