I have been having some issues with this plugin https://github.com/DanilZz/BuildBattle-minigame-pocketmine It is a build battle plugin and when its loaded on my server, the memory usage is very high. Even when there are no players on the server, the memory can be seen increasing every second Could anyone tell me what exactly is wrong in the plugins code that is causing this rather high memory usage. Is there anything that can be changed to solve this memory leak caused by the plugin? Many thanks.
I use about 70 plugins and the server runs fine for up to 1 day but when I use this plugin, server uses up full ram limit within 1 hour
If the ram usage is increasing over time without cause, then yes, you have a Memory leak. It could a boat load of things in the plugin. Have you looked around in it to see if there is something wrong?
no, just no, windows is as fine as every OS to run a server it may boil down to mem leak OR just bad hardware
i think that just a very bad minigame base to begin which tend to get copied everywhere , who violates PSR-0
I wish someone could use this to create a build battle minigame that actually works. I have little knowledge for that kind of thing xD
Even one with just 1 match at a time would be enough for a fairly small to medium sized server with 10-20 players. I mean the plugin above works perfectly with no issues and time, themes, voting with clay etc all work flawlessly. Its just the fact that it uses ALLLLOT of memory and lags allot. Keeping the server idle for 5 hours and I can see memory usage around 500MB. without it, around 70MB max. Even with no activity in the server, u can watch the memory go up each second. without it memory stays frozen as theres no activity. Even the other SW and SG plugins I have cause no issues and don't cause any load what so ever