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Lava bug, exploit, need fix.

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by neizv, Sep 22, 2018.

  1. neizv

    neizv Creeper

    Hello guys, problem with lava block, how fix this? I use plugin WorldGuardian (Russian Version) WorldGuard, server version 1.1.5. Need your help pls. 2 Days crashes with lava, players leave from server
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
  2. dktapps

    dktapps Administrator Staff Member PMMP Team

    1.1.5? you're out of luck sunshine... those versions haven't been maintained for over a year.
  3. neizv

    neizv Creeper

    supported or not supported, I need a fix from the community, I'm asking for help in terms of code to fix this, my fixes do not help.

    public function held(PlayerItemHeldEvent $e) {
    if($e->getItem()->getId()== 8 ||$e->getItem()->getId()== 9||$e->getItem()->getId()== 10||$e->getItem()->getId()== 11) {
    $e->getPlayer()->sendMessage("Пошёл в жопу.");

    public function isBlocked(Item $item) {
    $id = (int) $item->getId();
    if($id == 325 || $id == 23 || $id == 46 || $id == 52 || $id == 90 || $id == 120 || $id == 137 || $id == 29 || $id == 33 || $id == 34 || $id == 383 ||
    $id == 259 || $id == 385 || $id == 386 || $id == 51 || $id == 8 || $id == 9 || $id == 10 || $id == 11 || $id == 125 || $id == 333 || $id == 443 || $id == 408 || $id == 407 || $id == 342 || $id == 328 || $id == 368 || $id == 90
    ) {
    $result = true;
    } else {
    $result = false;
    return $result;

    public function PlayerItemConsumeEvent(PlayerItemConsumeEvent $e) {
    $p = $e->getPlayer();
    /*if(@$this->msauth->getLoginStatus(strtolower($p->getName())) == false) {
    $p->sendMessage("§§fТы не можешь сейчас это сделать.");
    if($this->isBlocked($e->getItem())) {
    $e->getPlayer()->sendMessage("§c× Взаимодействие с данным предметом §cзапрещено.");
    $e->getPlayer()->getInventory()->setItemInHand(Item::get(0, 0));
  4. MalakasPlayzMCPE

    MalakasPlayzMCPE Zombie Pigman

    Cancel the interact event if the item id is 8, 9, 10, 11 or Item::BUCKET
  5. Primus

    Primus Zombie Pigman

    My Russian is brilliant and this is hilarious xD
    SleepSpace9 and dktapps like this.
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