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item count...

Discussion in 'Plugin Help' started by Alex, Oct 24, 2017.

  1. Alex

    Alex Spider Jockey

    public function confirmBuy($sender){

    $money = EconomyAPI::getInstance()->myMoney($sender);

    if($money > $this->paymentPrice){
    EconomyAPI::getInstance()->reduceMoney($sender->getName(), $this->paymentPrice, true);
    $sender->getInventory()->addItem(Item::get($this->itemId, $this->itemMeta, $this->itemCount, 1));
    $sender->sendMessage("You have bought " . $this->itemName);

    So my question is how do i give someone in their inventory an item with count beucase everytime i click on a simple form button it only gives me 1 item i need answer quick please
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