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Is it possible to properly convert a 1.17 Bedrock world to latest PMMP?

Discussion in 'Development' started by NickteeChunky, Jun 30, 2021.

  1. NickteeChunky

    NickteeChunky Witch

    As the title states, I've been trying to convert a singleplayer world made on Bedrock to PM and I ran into several issues. First thing I tried doing was using a tool called MCC Chest Tool. I used that tool to convert the world and its region files from Bedrock to Anvil/Java format. The world loaded completely fine on 1.17 Java however when I tried loading then teleporting to the world on PM, I crashed to the error below.

    InvalidArgumentException: "Unknown NBT tag type 12" (EXCEPTION) in "pmsrc/vendor/pocketmine/nbt/src/NBT" at line 82
    I then tried to make a schematic of the world using a world edit tool on Forge 1.16.5 in which the file extension was .schem where PM's world edit tools only support .schematics which are for older versions. My solution then was to find a converter from .schem to .schematic where I then found this: https://puregero.github.io/SchemToSchematic/

    I converted it successfully, however it had removed all of the new blocks that the old schematic format did not support and it was logged as so: (Just a trimmed part)

    Unknown namespace key: minecraft:kelp[age=16], replacing with air.
    Unknown namespace key: minecraft:smooth_sandstone_slab[type=bottom,waterlogged=false], replacing with air.
    Unknown namespace key: minecraft:seagrass, replacing with air.
    Unknown namespace key: minecraft:kelp[age=12], replacing with air.
    Unknown namespace key: minecraft:cut_sandstone_slab[type=bottom,waterlogged=false], replacing with air.
    The schematic was converted successfully into PM using WorldStyler/BuilderTools however as stated in the logs, all of the newer blocks were removed which covered a majority of the build.

    I don't mind having to register all the new blocks that were used but it still begs the question, is there anyway this can be done properly? If not, is it even possible?

    Thanks in advance.
  2. Robin

    Robin Spider

    Just take a Java World or not? U can copy level.dat and region folder out of the Java World Folder paste them to folder which is same named as the Java World and upload this new folder on your server. That should work!
  3. NickteeChunky

    NickteeChunky Witch

    I’ve tried doing that but the world’s region files don’t work for PocketMine. I crash every time I teleport to the world.

    InvalidArgumentException: "Unknown NBT tag type 12" (EXCEPTION) in "pmsrc/vendor/pocketmine/nbt/src/NBT" at line 82
  4. minijaham

    minijaham Skeleton

    Pocketmine doesnt support java maps that are from 1.13+
    Agent likes this.
  5. NickteeChunky

    NickteeChunky Witch

    On MCC Chest Tool there is an option to choose which version you want to convert to, if I were to select 1.12, would that work?
  6. NickteeChunky

    NickteeChunky Witch

    Update: It worked when converting in 1.12 format perfectly fine.

    If you're trying to convert a Java map, you need to do the following:
    1. Watch this video:
    HOWEVER, at 3:20 make sure you actually set it to 1.12, this is necessary if you don't want to face the issues I have.

    2. After converting your Bedrock world to Java, you should find the converted world in your .minecraft saves folder where you can simply copy the world folder from the saves folder to your PMMP worlds folder.

    3. Load the world, teleport to it and have fun.

    Recommendation: All new blocks that were in versions above 1.12 will be corrupt, to fix this and your map generally. You can use https://github.com/matcracker/BlocksConverter to fix these blocks or select and //fix using BuilderTools.

    Note: Unfortunately, the new blocks that are placed will be removed and will have to be replaced despite having them registered.

    Thank you for those who replied.
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