No No No he has a point it is nearly impossible to find a pocketmine 1.0 phar just by searching on google and the home page for this website says to find the most up to date one using the jenkins server but the jenkins server is always down so everyone who doesnt know about these forums and pmmp and github likely watches this youtube video in fact thousands of people have and the dude links the stupid elywing spoon and its more of pmmps fault for not making it easy enough for all the noobs out there are looking but having trouble finding so they just assume use the linked one i know when i first started here i had a terrible time finding a 1.0.0 phar in fact i got it from some other dude who uploaded it to this forum and before that i used elywing to I think pmmp needs to have someone make a youtube video for the noobs in fact i am totally willing to make a youtube video because of the other spoons linked on the videos instead of the legit but hard to find phar thats made by pmmp and most the people wanting to set up a mcpe server are likely pretty young a noobish and don't want to invest a ton of time in setting one up so they use the easiest to find link which is under the easiest to find video on how to make a server
sorry for the rant but i do plan on making a video or tutorial or something for the real noobs so they dont keep using elywing That's the "official" way to get an up-to-date .phar until Jenkins is up again. Ask @SOFe for more information lol
Yes but most people don't know that and poggit home page just looks like plugins you have to look to find what you need and these noobs out there (I was and still is one) don't wanna waste time searching through a forum they just want a free server that works relatively decently
Please learn to use punctuation. Reading your messages is impossible, because they are just big blocks of words.
i still dont get the point pm community member like to call fork as a spoon i think it is a bit over redundant when you can just call it fork
Update I finished today This might help @WreckagePE / ZAYD
You guys should talk about the servers and phars in general or resources, this is plugin requests not forks of PM.
I highly recommend no one use that. It doesn't save NBT tags, so RIP enchants, RIP custom names, RIP custom everything you have got in your inventory. Also, if anyone is planning on making one, please save and retrieve the items from a Config::SERIALIZED as it is a lot easier. Spoiler: For people who are planning on fulfilling this request PHP: /** @var Player $player */$path = $this->getDataFolder()."";//Saving PlayerInventory$cfg = unserialize(file_get_contents($path)) ?? [];$cfg["steveinv"] = $player->getInventory()->getContents();file_put_contents($path, serialize($cfg));//Retrieving PlayerInventory$cfg = unserialize(file_get_contents($path)) ?? [];$cont = $cfg["steveinv"] ?? [];$player->getInventory()->setContents($cont);//file_put_contents($path, serialize([]));
Still better than nothing, right? btw I just asked the creator to add NBT saving, waiting for a reply
Yes, but IMO, he should've at least tested the plugin before publishing/publicizing it. Or at least a warning.