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I created enitiy want it move But it's half enitiy

Discussion in 'Help' started by Furit Cake, Nov 27, 2021.

  1. Furit Cake

    Furit Cake Spider

    //This is my ANPC class

    namespace SuperCopy\entity\monster\walking\WearableMonster;

    use SuperCopy\entity\monster\WearableMonster;
    use pocketmine\Player;
    use pocketmine\item\Item;
    use pocketmine\level\Level;
    use pocketmine\utils\UUID;
    use pocketmine\entity\Entity;
    use pocketmine\network\mcpe\protocol\AddPlayerPacket;
    use pocketmine\network\mcpe\protocol\RemoveEntityPacket;
    use pocketmine\network\mcpe\protocol\MobArmorEquipmentPacket;
    use pocketmine\network\mcpe\protocol\PlayerListPacket;
    use pocketmine\network\mcpe\protocol\types\PlayerListEntry;

    use pocketmine\network\mcpe\protocol\types\inventory\ItemStackWrapper;
    use pocketmine\Server;
    use pocketmine\level\Location;
    use pocketmine\network\mcpe\protocol\MovePlayerPacket;
    use pocketmine\network\mcpe\protocol\types\SkinAdapterSingleton;

    class ANPC extends WearableMonster{

    const NETWORK_ID = 63;

    public $width = 0.6;
    public $height = 1.8;
    //public $eyeHeight = 1.62;
    public $Location;

    public static $metadata=array();

    public function getName() : string{

    return "ANPC";

    public function getDrops() : array{

    if($this->rpg === []){
    switch(mt_rand(1, 3)){
    case 1:
    case 2: return [Item::get(367, 0, mt_rand(1, 3))];
    default: return [];
    return [];

    public function getUniqueId() : ?UUID{

    return UUID::fromData($this->getId(), $this->namedtag["Skin"]["Data"], $this->rpg["名字"]);

    public function spawnTo(Player $player): void {

    // if(isset($this->hasSpawned[$player->getLoaderId()]) or !isset($player->usedChunks[Level::chunkHash($this->chunk->getX(), $this->chunk->getZ())])) return;

    //$this->server->updatePlayerListData($this->getUniqueId(), $this->getId(), $this->getName(), $this->namedtag["Skin"]["Name"], $this->namedtag["Skin"]["Data"]);
    $this->Location = new Location((float) $this->x, (float) $this->y+1.67, (float) $this->z, 0.0, 0.0, Server::getInstance()->getLevelByName($this->level->getName()));
    /* if($level===false)
    if($this->getLevel()!=='' && strtolower($level->getFolderName())!==strtolower($this->level))
    //return false;


    //var_dump( $this->namedtag["Skin"]["Data"]);

    $skin = SkinAdapterSingleton::get()->toSkinData($player->getSkin());
    $pk = new PlayerListPacket();
    $pk->type = PlayerListPacket::TYPE_ADD;
    $pk->entries = [PlayerListEntry::createAdditionEntry($this->getUniqueId(),$this->getId(), $this->getName(), $skin)];
    $pk = new AddPlayerPacket();
    $pk->uuid = $this->getUniqueId();
    $pk->username = $this->getName();
    $pk->entityRuntimeId = $this->getId();
    $pk->position = $this->Location->asVector3();
    $pk->motion = $this->Location->asVector3();
    $pk->yaw = $this->yaw;
    $pk->pitch = $this->pitch;
    $pk->item = ItemStackWrapper::legacy($this->Held);
    $pk->metadata = $this->getDataPropertyManager()->getAll();
    $this->sendData($player, [self::DATA_NAMETAG => [self::DATA_TYPE_STRING, $this->getName()]]);//Hack for MCPE 1.2.13: DATA_NAMETAG is useless in AddPlayerPacket, so it has to be sent separately
    $pk = new PlayerListPacket();
    $pk->type = PlayerListPacket::TYPE_REMOVE;
    $pk->entries = [PlayerListEntry::createRemovalEntry( $this->getUniqueId())];

    $pk = new AddPlayerPacket();
    $pk->uuid = $this->getUniqueId();
    $pk->username = $this->getName();
    $pk->entityUniqueId = $this->getId();
    $pk->entityRuntimeId = $this->getId();
    // $pk->eid = $this->getId();
    $pk->motion= $this->Location->asVector3();
    // var_dump( $pk->motion);
    $pk->position = $this->Location->asVector3();
    //$pk->x = $this->x;
    //$pk->y = $this->y;
    //$pk->z = $this->z;
    //$pk->speedX = 0;
    //$pk->speedY = 0;
    //$pk->speedZ = 0;
    $pk->yaw = $this->yaw;
    $pk->pitch = $this->pitch;
    $pk->item= ItemStackWrapper::legacy($this->Held);
    // var_dump($this->Location->yaw);
    //$pk->item = $this->Held;
    $pk->metadata = self::$metadata;

    //$this->server->updatePlayerListData($this->getUniqueId(), $this->getId(), $this->getName(), $player->getSkin(),$xboxUserId = "",array($player));
    Server::getInstance()->updatePlayerListData($this->getUniqueId(),$this->getId(),$this->getName(),$player->getSkin(),$xboxUserId = "",array($player));
    $Armor = new MobArmorEquipmentPacket();
    $Armor->entityRuntimeId = $this->getId();
    $Armor->head = ItemStackWrapper::legacy($this->Cap);
    $Armor->chest = ItemStackWrapper::legacy($this->Tunic);
    $Armor->legs = ItemStackWrapper::legacy($this->Pants);
    $Armor->feet = ItemStackWrapper::legacy($this->Boots);

    /* $Armor->slots = [
    0 => $this->Cap,
    1 => $this->Tunic,
    2 => $this->Pants,
    3 => $this->Boots
    // Server::getInstance()->removePlayerListData($this->getUniqueId(),array($player));
    $this->hasSpawned[$player->getLoaderId()] = $player;

  2. Furit Cake

    Furit Cake Spider

    And in game, show half the body move , I use var_dump() want get X-Y-Z ,But get data is not error
  3. Furit Cake

    Furit Cake Spider

    And if I created other entity like zombie ,The body is normal body in game not half .But use AddPlayerPacket() create is half.
  4. Furit Cake

    Furit Cake Spider

    Oh ha ha I fix this ! If someone have some like this, you should get entity Y and set Y+1.6!
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