Hey guys how can I add custom ui texture for forms like hive cubecraft galaxite Examples: https://ibb.co/yp7b2W0 https://ibb.co/qFRKHFp https://ibb.co/G7yTvbK https://ibb.co/4S54mT5 https://ibb.co/r2q9GHy https://ibb.co/gmsxtr0 https://ibb.co/wNDhXTF
I know but there is a json file in resource file with name form there noting more ad I can't find anything on internet about this
I'm not used to this stuff but I might know where could you ask for help https://discord.gg/v2YmZ82Crr -> Bedrock Addon Discord Server https://wiki.bedrock.dev/json-ui/json-ui-intro.html -> Bedrock UI documents
Not sure if i got what you want, but in case you are just trying to add custom textures for the UI on your server: - add them to a resource pack so it works offline in bedrock worlds - make a zip file out of the pack (so that replacing the .zip with .mcpack and double-clicking it would successfully import the pack to Minecraft) - upload the zip in the resource_packs folder on your server - open the file resource_packs.yml in that folder with a text editor and add a new line that looks like this " - <yourPack>.zip" (<yourPack> should be the file name of the zip you uploaded)
I managed to do this customization in the ui and basically it consists of you using certain titles defined in the texture that makes it possible to separate the vanilla ui from the custom UI that you create using bindings and other resources, if you are interested in this just search for 'Smartphones addons on youtube' the addon uses the same technique that the official servers use, just be patient to understand the workaround that has to be done !!! good luck to everyone
you can use CustomForm or SimpleForm, the most used for sure is SimpleForm, only ModalForm that I couldn't find a way to change the interface