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How do I find my Server IP?

Discussion in 'Help' started by Maxukus0816, Sep 25, 2019.

  1. Maxukus0816

    Maxukus0816 Creeper

    I am new to PocketMIne and I need to know how to find the server IP? it didn't show up in the cmd wizard or any of the files. Can someone explain to me how to find it?
  2. EdwardHamHam

    EdwardHamHam Skeleton

    It depends on your OS. Assuming you have windows you should be able to use the ipconfig command in CMD, but you said that didn't work. Do you need your computer's local IP, or your public IP? If it's the later, than you can find it by searching "what's my ip" in Google.
    HimbeersaftLP likes this.
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