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Hey, how can I add a effect to a Player ?

Discussion in 'Plugin Help' started by TheWalkingDrift, Jul 6, 2019.

  1. TheWalkingDrift

    TheWalkingDrift Silverfish

    This is my Code:


    namespace blue;

    use pocketmine\plugin\PluginBase;
    use pocketmine\Player;
    use pocketmine\Server;
    use pocketmine\event\Listener;
    use pocketmine\event\player\PlayerJoinEvent;
    use pocketmine\command\Command;
    use pocketmine\command\CommandSender;
    use pocketmine\item\Item;
    use pocketmine\event\block\BlockPlaceEvent;
    use pocketmine\item\enchantment\Enchantment;
    use pocketmine\item\enchantment\EnchantmentInstance;
    use pocketmine\entity\Effect;
    use pocketmine\event\entity\EntityDamageEvent;
    use pocketmine\block\Block;
    use pocketmine\math\Vector3;
    use pocketmine\level\particle\DestroyBlockParticle;
    use pocketmine\level\particle\{DustParticle, FlameParticle, FloatingTextParticle, EntityFlameParticle, CriticalParticle, ExplodeParticle, HeartParticle, LavaParticle, MobSpawnParticle, SplashParticle};
    use pocketmine\event\player\PlayerMoveEvent;

    class Main extends PluginBase implements Listener {

    public $plugin;

    public function onEnable(){
    $this->getServer()->getPluginManager()->registerEvents($this, $this);
    $this->eco = $this->getServer()->getPluginManager()->getPlugin("EconomyAPI");

    public function onCommand(CommandSender $sender, Command $command, String $label, array $args) : bool {
    case "blue":
    return true;
    return true;

    And this is my Problem:

    [16:53:50] [Server thread/CRITICAL]: Error: "Call to undefined method pocketmine\entity\Effect::setAmplifier()" (EXCEPTION) in "plugins/blue/src/blue/Main" at line 38
  2. TheWalkingDrift

    TheWalkingDrift Silverfish

    I think, I did allthing right, but It don't works
  3. TheWalkingDrift

    TheWalkingDrift Silverfish

    I use pmmp Ver. 3.8.3
  4. MalakasPlayzMCPE

    MalakasPlayzMCPE Zombie Pigman

    old code, please check the new api
    jasonwynn10 likes this.
  5. StevenS

    StevenS Spider

    I couldn't get it to work either, so I just ran the effect command through the console.
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