PHP: $enchantment = Enchantment::getEnchantment(10);$enchantment->setLevel(1);$helmet = Item::get(310, 0, 1);$chestplate = Item::get(311, 0, 1);$leggings = Item::get(312, 0, 1);$boots = Item::get(313, 0, 1);$inv = $player->getInventory();$helmet->addEnchantment($enchantment);$chestplate->addEnchantment($enchantment);$leggings->addEnchantment($enchantment);$boots->addEnchantment($enchantment);$p->getInventory()->setHelmet($item);$p->getInventory()->setChestplate($item);$p->getInventory()->setLeggings($item);$p->getInventory()->setLeggings($item); This code would work?
And what are you achieving by telling him not to shit post when you just did? Why don't you help him instead of bossing the people that are spending their time trying to help and teach him what to do so they don't have to rely on others?
It doesn't take a genius to figure the answer to that question out, does it? It's my twitter account and I can post whatever I want on there last time I checked and I really don't see how that's relevant to this thread. Why do you spend your time shit posting on these forums? Can we both stop spamming useless crap on this thread and get back on topic now?
please rephrase it no one can understand your gibberish how does poems come into play? the more i "speak" to you the more i doubt you are just a troll or some sort of bot
Ummm... can someone just help me...? Xdd Will that code work to enchant the armour and place it onto the player automatically?
You should just test it yourself. Nobody here seems to have any interest in testing it for you. It is your issue, after all.
why don't you just test it on a test server? you can have multiple servers running on one machine. also this thread is pure lmao