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/Giving Enchanted Items

Discussion in 'Help' started by MK500, Jan 14, 2017.

  1. MK500

    MK500 Slime

    Shoghicp once explained the ability to give enchanted items in a forum thread which I have long lost. He did it with examples. Here is one:

    give <player> diamond_sword 1 {ench:[{id:9s,lvl:5s}],Effiency:5,Knockback:5}
    I was wondering if anyone had a more detailed explanation of the various options for this. I'm curious what "id:9s" means, for example. Is that the ID of an enchantment? Is there a list of these? I tried to match with various Minecraft wikis; but they don't seem to line up with what works in PocketMine.

    Thanks in advance for any help/info.

    EDIT: I found Shoghicp's post with several examples:

    Last edited: Jan 29, 2017
  2. dktapps

    dktapps Administrator Staff Member PMMP Team

    `s` is `short` iirc, since you are adding a ShortTag for the enchantment.
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