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Solved Get Entity in line of sight

Discussion in 'Development' started by Moonafic, Jan 2, 2021.

  1. Moonafic

    Moonafic Silverfish

    Can i get entity when im looking exactly at its bounding box? Using $living->getTarget Block() and $level->getNearestEntity() doesnt work properly.
    I tried getting block, creating AxisAlignedBB on top of it and search for entities in it but this wasn't good as i expected. Is that the only way to do it by getting target block?

    sorry for bad english
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2021
  2. ethaniccc

    ethaniccc Baby Zombie

    NOTE: This is going to be heavy on performance

    First, make an expanded copy of the player's AABB, expanding it by the distance you want to traverse (so if I want to get entities within a 3 block radius, I would expand the AABB by 3, 3, 3). Then, using Level->getCollidingEntities(), get the nearby entities (you can leave the second parameter empty).
    Once you have all the nearby entities, using a foreach loop, get the AABB of the entity and using AxisAlignedBB->calculateIntercept(), for the pos1 parameter, put the player's eye position, and for the pos2 parameter, add the eye position by their direction vector multiplied by the distance you want to traverse ($eyePos->add($directionVector->multiply(VALUE))).

    From here, I suck from explaining so enjoy some free code (I apologize for the bad formatting):

    $lastDist PHP_INT_MAX;
    $target null;
    $level->getCollidingEntities($expandedAABB) as $entity){$result $entity->getBoundingBox()->calculateIntercept($eyePos$eyePos->add($directionVector->multiply($traverseValue))); if($result !== null){if(($dist $eyePos->distance($result->getHitVector()) < $lastDist)){$lastDist $dist$target $entity;}}}
    From there, you check if the target is not null, and you are now a cool boi
    If you have any questions I'll be willing to answer them :)
    OguzhanUmutlu and GamakCZ like this.
  3. Moonafic

    Moonafic Silverfish

    Thanks for help! It doesnt work if i use getCollidingEntities() as you said but if i use getNearbyEntities() it works like a charm! Thank you very much for helping!:D
    ethaniccc likes this.
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