Play a game, or reply to this. What would you do if it was raining diamonds, and one hit you on your head (but you're still alive)?
I would be sent to the vet. What would you do if you were an admin and you noticed that this thread is in the regualr Off-Topic forum, when it should be in games?
Move it to the Games category. What would you do if you needed to read a book with 100 billion pages and need to finish it in 5 minutes?
Use Ethernet (it's better for online gaming anyways). What would you do if you had to go to the birthday party of someone you hate?
I wouldn't do anything, since I can't remember anything. What would you do if you had to travel 50 miles to get to the nearest food source?
Go the 50 miles, and then never travel again. What would you do if you had a toothbrush, but no teeth?
Put the toothbrush away. What would you do if your PMMP account will get banned forever (not possible to create a new account)?
I would go into a corner and cry, with my tail inbetween my legs. What would you do if you didn't have legs?