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Solved Every client with a different player time

Discussion in 'Development' started by EndermannbugZJFC, Aug 24, 2020.

  1. EndermannbugZJFC

    EndermannbugZJFC Slime

    I'm making a player time system that every client will have a different player time. First, I make it so when the world loads, it will automatically stop the world time with Level->stopTime() and I used the SetTimePacket to set player's time. But for some reason, even I stopped the level time, the server will send a batch packet to reset the client's time to the original world time. I was thinking to cancel the BatchPackets but I don't know which should I cancel and which shouldn't because I can't find anything that can declare if it is a batched SetTimePacket or not. I even try to make a task that keeps sending the client SetTimePacket but this will make the world looks glitchy. Please tell me if there is a solution!
  2. EndermannbugZJFC

    EndermannbugZJFC Slime

    Fixed by base64 encoding the buffer of the batch packet so I can check if it is a set time packet or not
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