What position was the XZ taken? We can always use your XZ's to create a cuboid region like the code i provided above, but well structured.
PHP: public function onBreak(BlockBreakEvent $event){ $p = $event->getPlayer(); //$cfg = new Config($this->getDataFolder() . "xyz.yml", Config::YAML); $x = $p->getX(); $y = $p->getY(); $z = $p->getZ(); $xx = [214, 210]; $yy = [74, 69]; $zz = [1, 4]; if($x >= min($xx) and $x <= max($xx) and $y >= min($yy) and $y <= max($yy) and $z >= min($zz) and $z <= max($zz)){ $p->sendmessage("In Region"); }else{ $p->sendmessage("Not In Region"); }}
Can't hold back to point that 'break' can't be function name, sorry I know that this is just an example