No, then comes this error by this Code: Code: [Server] [PocketMine] [16:59:08] CRITICAL> "Could not pass event 'pocketmine\event\player\PlayerChatEvent' to 'Nick v1.0.1': Argument 1 passed to _64FF00\PurePerms\PurePerms::setGroup() must implement interface pocketmine\IPlayer, string given, called in /storage/emulated/0/PocketMine/plugins/Nick/src/UniverseNick/JonasGehtMitte/Nick.php on line 168 on UniverseNick\JonasGehtMitte\Nick [Server] [PocketMine] [16:59:08] CRITICAL> TypeError: "Argument 1 passed to _64FF00\PurePerms\PurePerms::setGroup() must implement interface pocketmine\IPlayer, string given, called in /storage/emulated/0/PocketMine/plugins/Nick/src/UniverseNick/JonasGehtMitte/Nick.php on line 168" (EXCEPTION) in "/PurePerms.phar/src/_64FF00/PurePerms/PurePerms" at line 659 [Server] [PocketMine] [16:59:08] INFO> [Developer] Guest | Serus Haralain > a PHP: $event->setFormat($this->getServer()->getPluginManager()->getPlugin("PurePerms")->getGroup(Server::getInstance()->getOfflinePlayer("playername")). $nick. $msg);
Yeah because you are calling ...getPlugin("PurePerms")->getGroup(). This was also answered Use PHP: ...getPlugin("PurePerms")->getUserDataMgr()->getGroup(Server::getInstance()->getOfflinePlayer($nick)) Better use $this->getServer() instead of Server::getInstance(), I didn't know your code's class so I used that.
Thanks it works to 50 % in the RCON got this message when i send a message and it comes no errors Code: [Server] [PocketMine] [19:27:04] INFO> [Developer] Guest | BestNickEverXD > a
You arent using PocketMine-MP, i can see that from the log. You are using a spoon. My first guess was Elywing, but im not sure.